Orange County Workforce Services Goes Mobile

Virginia Career Works has an announcement! Job-seekers now have several locations to access career services in Orange County. 

Orange County Workforce Services have gone mobile and will now be available one day per week in each of the three Orange County Library locations. Services are being offered virtually, in-person at specific locations in Orange County, and in-person at the Virginia Career Works – Culpeper Center.

“We are excited to make the services of Virginia Career Works even more accessible to Orange County,” shared Marty Bywaters-Baldwin, Chief Mission Officer for Rappahannock Goodwill. “Whether creating a resume, applying for a job, or accessing funding for training, the partnership with the library system will allow more Orange residents and businesses to be served.”


Branch Locations and Hours of Operation:

Tuesdays – 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Orange County Main Library

146A Madison Road, Orange, VA 22960

Wednesdays – 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Gordonsville Library

319 N. Main Street, Gordonsville, VA 22942

Thursdays – 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Wilderness Library

6421 Flat Run Road, Locust Grove, VA 22508


For more information, visit or download [PDF] the Press Release.