Career Development
Rappahannock Goodwill offers many free services for job seekers. Discover new ways to navigate your career development journey from custom resumes to exclusive hiring events, when you sign up for My Career Advisor.

Resume & Cover Letter Builders
My Career Advisor provides resume and cover letter services with a professional review at no cost. Access simple and professional templates to create unlimited, custom resumes and cover letters. With 24/7 access to documents stored in the cloud, easily manage your application materials.

Career Exploration
Find the pathway to your future with career exploration services. Explore top careers in your area and access data on required skills, education, and more. Additionally, gain valuable insight into industry-standard compensation, enabling informed career decisions.

Job Search
It’s easier than ever to navigate your job search. Sign up to gain access to an up-to-date list of job postings in your area and exclusive listings from Goodwill. Connect directly with employers and get access to nationwide jobs from partner job boards to expand your search.

Preferred Partners
Get access to our large network of preferred partners with valuable connections and opportunities. MCA provides workforce resources, remote work resources, entrepreneur resources, and resources tailored for veterans, ensuring a comprehensive support system for various career paths.

Hiring Events
Put your plans into action! With My Career Advisor, individuals can find and attend job fairs and hiring events, allowing users to interview directly with Goodwill’s preferred partners. This facilitates a direct and efficient way to explore job opportunities and engage with potential employers.
Job Placement Services Available
Each career journey is unique. My Career Advisor, powered by Goodwill, can assist you with your next steps.