- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs meet the needs of employers for skilled, quality workers while also meeting the training, education, and employment needs of job-seekers (specifically, dislocated workers and economically challenged adults).
- Services available for eligible adults:
- Case management
- Counseling and career planning
- Development of individual employment plan
- Internships/work experiences
- Job readiness activities (interviewing skills, resume development, etc.)
- Adult education/GED
- Out of the area job search
- Occupational skills training
- Skills upgrading
- On-the-job training
- Child care
- Work-related attire
- Transportation assistance
- Tools
- Other services based on funding
To learn more about WIOA, please view the video below.
Click to download the WIOA Information Video Script [PDF, 80.34 KB]
- View the WIOA video above.
- Download the WIOA Enrollment Packet (CLICK HERE [PDF, 2.92 MB])
- Review and complete the WIOA Enrollment Packet and collect the applicable enrollment documents listed on page 1 and 2.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION VIA EMAIL - Email [email protected] to be connected to a staff member who will assist you in submitting your application.
For more information on the WIOA Adult & Dislocated Program, please email us at [email protected].
“The Virginia Career Works Fredericksburg Center is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TDD: VA Relay Center: 711 or 800.828.1120. This workforce product was 100% supported with U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds under contract (RGI16-001, $350,309.33) awarded to Rappahannock Goodwill Industries by the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board. This does not necessarily reflect the official position of the VCCS or DOLETA.”